Medical Weight Loss

An integrative approach combining a food plan, exercise program, and prescription medication helps you lose weight and keep it off long-term. Lifestyle changes are key to long term weight loss success. Making these changes can be made easier with the addition of prescription medication. Comprehensive lab work done prior to and throughout your treatment plan can help identify underlying issues that can be corrected to augment your weight loss. Safety is our priority! We will give you tools to maintain and sustain your weight loss. Each treatment plan is unique and individualized to each patient and his/her needs.

Shalva Health


Shalva Health

Treatment may include a once-weekly injection of semaglutide (generic of Ozempic and Wegovy) or tirzepatide (generic of Mounjaro), which can be delivered to your doorstep! The injections can help

  • Reduce appetite
  • Improve blood sugar levels
  • Support weight loss

Ready to invest in yourself?
Make an appointment today!